Head of the Land Division at the HousingAbstract
This study focuses on two main purposes (1) to identify the authority of the local government as a mediator in the case of land disputes at STAIN Majene and (2) to identify legal protection for STAIN Majene and the property rights holders.This study uses the type of normative-empirical legal research, in the form of normative legal research that is supported and equipped by empirical data and cases. The data sources were obtained through primary and secondary sources of material, interviewed the Head of the Land Division at the Housing, Settlement area and Land Office of Majene Regency, and the Head of the Administrative Section of STAIN Majene. This study was further analyzed qualitatively and the results were presented descriptively.The results of this study show (1) The procurement conflict at STAIN Majene caused a vertical dispute between the Majene Regional Government and the community so that mediation was created. However, in the implementation of mediation, the party who became the mediator was the Majene Regency Government which is not in accordance with the existing authority based on the Minister of ATR/BPN Regulation Number 21 of 2021. (2) Legal protection for STAIN Majene to obtain rights to organize educational activities and legal protection for the community holding certificates, property rights on STAIN campus land with preventive and repressive legal protection
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Undang- Undang Dasar 1945