Industrial relation; Policy; Covid-19 pandemic; Indonesia.Abstract
Covid-19 pandemic is becoming major problem to all the world, including Indonesia. All sectors, including industrial relations, has been in chaos due to this outbreak. To face the pandemic, government must find effective and efficient solutions through the national policies. This article explores the Indonesia’s industrial relations policies during covid-19 pandemic period. It also discusses the strategies and and problems about the polices. The policies are: (1) Restrictions on the use of foreign workers; (2) Protection of Indonesian migrant workers; (3) Integration of covid-19 mitigation health protocols in occupational safety and health systems in companies; (4) Protection through workers' social security; (5) Wage protection; (6) Launching of pre-employment cards; and (7) Wage subsidy assistance program for workers. Also, the problems that arises from those policies are: (1) Inappropriate use of the legal basis for the policies; (2) The use of the concept of solving problems through "agreements" that do not protect workers' rights; (3) Pre-employment card policy that is not well-targeted and effective; and (4) a wage subsidy assistance policy that does not cover all workers as the target recipients.
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