The Deed of the Statement of the Meeting (PKR), the General Meeting of Shareholders, and responsibility of public notary.Abstract
The issuing of the deed of the Statement of the Resolution of General Meeting (PKR) is resulted by the General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMOS”) which is done, in order to ensure the certainty of the law for the decision of the Resolutions of GMOS. The problem arising when the deed of PKR is based on the invalid GMOS (as stipulated on the Resolutions of Extraordinary of General Meeting of Shareholders by PT SGY dated 7 September 2017 which is held by the Board of Commissioners). Therefore, this research is focused for the legal impact by the deed of PKR which is based on the invalid Resolutions of GMOS and responsibility of the public Notary as the party who issued its. The decision of the court of this research is to determine the legal practice of the tort possibility in the Resolutions of General Meeting of Shareholders and the execution of deed PKR by the public notary as the issuer of deed of PKR. The Panel of Judges decided that the defendants have done the tort and punish them to pay the redeem to plaintiff for jointly responsibility including the Notary. Therefore, in order to answer the problem above, the researcher using the method juridical-normative. Furthermore, from this research also shows that the legal consequences of the deed of PKR which is executed by the invalid resolutions of GMOS whether the deed or Resolutions of GMOS become null and void and those responsibility could be the responsibility of the Public Notary as the issuer of deed PKR.
The Deed of the Statement of the Meeting (PKR), the General Meeting of Shareholders, and responsibility of public notary.
Peraturan Perundang-undangan
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Indonesia, Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris, UU No.2, LN No.3 Tahun 2014.
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Putusan Pengadilan
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