
  • Aminuddin Kasim Tadulako University, Indonesia


Local Election, Candidate; Individual, Equality


This article discussed two questions: First; does the regulation of candidacy requirements for individual candidate (non-party candidate) pairs in the local election emphasize the procedural justice more than the substantive justice? Second, does the regulation of the candidacy requirements for individual candidate pairs based on the Local Election Law and the candidacy requirements for individual candidates that apply in Aceh Province based on the Aceh Government Law (UU No. 11 of 2006) concerning Aceh Government indicate that there are equality disparities in democracy? To answer the questions above, this article used materials sourced from statutory regulations, decisions of the Constitutional Court, opinions of experts, legal theories or doctrines scattered in several books and articles in scientific journals. Furthermore, the results of the article conclude: First, individual candidates have a strong constitutional juridical basis after the 2007 Constitutional Court Decision (No.5/PUU-V/2007), the Local Government Law, and the Local Election Law. Second, the Aceh Governance Law and the Local Election Law show disparities in the regulation of the requirements for the amount of support for individual candidate (non-party candidates) pairs


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