
  • Hanifa Tyakagire International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia


Constitutionalism, The rule of law, Judiciary, Constitution-making process, Constitution



Purpose of the study: The purpose of a study on entrenching constitutionalism and the rule of law in South Sudan is to examine the current state of the country's legal and political systems, identify areas of weakness and propose strategies for strengthening the country's institutions and promoting more significant adherence to constitutionalism and the rule of law for a fruitful constitutional making process.

Methodology- The study entails a content analysis that applies doctrinal legal research, which relies on document analysis of both primary sources, such as the 2011 Transitional Constitution, and secondary sources, including documentary review and relevant literature. The study identifies the obstacles to implementing these principles, such as a lack of political will, insufficient resources, ongoing conflict, liberators who ultimately become dictators and suffocating the judiciary and the legislature. The study assesses the efficacy of the measures implemented to address these challenges and their impact on promoting constitutionalism and the rule of law through comparative analysis.

Findings- The paper critically analyses the results. It draws appropriate conclusions based on the research, ultimately recommending how the South Sudanese government can better promote constitutionalism and the rule of law in South Sudan. Among the recommendations could be to promote civic education, strengthen the judiciary, and deal with the conflict's underlying causes.

Implication- The study’s implications on entrenching constitutionalism and the rule of law in South Sudan can be significant. By identifying the weaknesses in the country's legal and political systems, proposing strategies for strengthening institutions, and promoting greater adherence to constitutional principles and the rule of law, the study could help lay the groundwork for a more stable and democratic society.

Originality- This paper highlights the fundamental importance of the principle of constitutionalism and the rule of law in South Sudan.

Keywords: constitutionalism, the rule of law, judiciary, constitution, constitutional-making process.



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