legal conception, wana communities, environmental, conservation, central sulawesiAbstract
This study is intended to identify and explain the legal concepts, attitudes and behavioral patterns over environmental conservation of the Wana indigenous peoples and to find the legal principles underlying the legal behavior patterns of the Wana indigenous peoples towards the environment. The research method used is sociological juridical which is equipped with an anthropological approach through tracing the legal facts that apply in society. In the life of the Wana indigenous people, there are social values that are used as the basis for building effective tips in environmental conservation efforts. Their close relationship with the environment and natural resources, indigenous peoples through the concept of pangale conservation which is considered not to be able to damage the environment. However, after investment in oil palm plantations obtained concessions above and around the living space of the wana indigenous people, their perceptions gradually shifted due to economic pressure and pressure as well as government policies that tend to side with the owners of capital.
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