Juridical Study on Social Forestry Before and After Job Creation Law
Forestry Law, Social Forestry, Job Creation Law, UU Cipta KerjaAbstract
Social forestry is a governmental program having been initiated since 1995 and newly getting serious attention through the Minister of Living Environment and Forestry’s Regulation No. 83 of 2016. However, the issuance of Job Creation Law in 2020 has changed many things related to the regulation of social forestry law. This article will conduct a juridical study using legal comparative approach on social forestry before and after the issuance of Job Creation Law. The result shows that: Firstly, Social Forestry after the issuance of Job Creation Law is regulated firmly through some laws from law, Government Regulation and Minister Regulation. In this case, it is different from the condition before the issuance of Job Creation Law. Secondly, the stipulation of customary forest is governed in Government Regulation and the Minister’s Regulation with the right of stipulation given to the Minister of Living Environment and Forestry. Thirdly, following the issuance of Job Creation Law, legal access to social forestry management can be undertaken by an individual. Fourthly, the license of social forestry before the issuance of Job Creation Law was governed in the Directorate General’s Regulation, while that after is governed in the Minister’s Regulation.
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