Geographical Indications, Seasonings, Stone ShallotAbstract
Shallots are part of the spices that must be in the kitchen of every household. Still, the name stone shallot is better known as being processed into fried shallot, consumed as an additional side dish when served, which has a different shape and characteristic from onions in general because This fried stone shallot is particular and only grows and is found in the Central Sulawesi Region which is currently more commonly found in the Sigi Regency area. This paper aims to improve the standard of living of farmers and business actors of fried stone shallot. After meeting business actors, stone shallot farmers, and the government, the proposed results suggest that it is time to be registered as a reputable shallot after the Trademark and Geographical Indication Law in one regulation. Hence, there is a need for re-appeal and collaboration between academics and the government so that it is immediately prioritized to get a Geographical Indication certificate. Why is this fried stone shallot worthy of a certificate of Geographical Indication Due to its presence in Indonesia only in Central Sulawesi, it has a distinctive taste aroma, and because human intervention creates a delicious and fragrant savory taste, and its characteristics are different from ordinary fried shallot. The pale color is not too red, more dominated by white and a little reddish. Therefore, because of this uniqueness, this stone shallot is waiting for a certificate of Geographical Indication.
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Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah.
Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Sigi.
Undang-Undang No.20 tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan Indikasi Geografis
Peraturan Menteri No 10 tahun 2022 tentang Indikasi Geografis